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The "F"IT Principle


No really, it's true. I was stuck, going through the motions of life, feeling like I was going nowhere fast. It took me losing my daughter in 2020 to an overdose to realize that I had spent my life working and grinding, never really taking care of myself. I was just a mom and a worker, with no real quality of life. Even my children's childhood was a blur.

​Does This Sound Familiar?

Sound familiar? It's time to break free and find your F factor. The'F' it! Principle can help you turn life's challenges into a source of power.​

Ready to discover your true strength?

It's time to break free and find your F factor. Whether it's fearlessness, flexibility, or the future you, The 'F' it! Principle can help you discover your true potential.

​​My Wake Up Call

My story is a real wake-up call. I was tired of feeling stuck and stagnant, watching life pass me by. By embracing the 'F' it! Principle, I turned my challenges into my greatest source of power. Wanna know how I did it? Dive into my guide and start your own journey.​​​​​


I was living day by day but not present at all!


I gotta tell you about my journey. I was living that 'just getting by' life, always doing what was expected of me. Sound familiar? It took me losing my daughter in 2020 to an overdose to realize that I had spent my life working and grinding, never really taking care of myself. I was just a mom and a worker, with no real quality of life. Even my children's childhood was a blur. One day, I said 'F it!' and started focusing on my own journey. The result? A transformative path to self-discovery and empowerment. Ready to find your F factor?

Contribute To A Cause

Proceeds are contributed to charity focusing on Mental Health Awareness

Organize, Plan, Strategy

You now can plan, strategize and take action when it comes to your self care and well being

Nutrition & Health

Get in shape and learn the right food to eat.  Filled with smoothie recipes and meal options  

Discover Your True Potential with My  eBook!


Are you tired of feeling stuck, watching life pass you by? Trust me, I get it. I was there too. It took me losing my daughter in 2020 to an overdose to finally see that I had spent my life working and grinding, never truly taking care of myself. I was just a mom and a worker, living without real quality of life. Even my children's childhood was a blur.


But then I discovered the transformative power of embracing life's challenges and turning them into sources of strength. That's why I created the 'F' it! Principle, a journey from self-discovery to self-empowerment, to help you do the same.

What's Inside:

  • Interactive Planner: Organize your life with our easy-to-use, interactive planner that helps you stay on track with your goals.

  • Interactive Workouts and Practices: Engage in exercises designed to boost your physical and mental health, complete with interactive guides.

  • Mental Health Scorecard: Rate yourself and understand your current mental health level with our detailed scorecard.

  • Vision Boards and Stickers: Create your dream life with customizable vision boards and motivational stickers.

  • Recipes & Workouts: Fuel your body and mind with healthy recipes and effective workouts.

  • Affirmations & The 'F' it! Creed: Stay on track with powerful affirmations and a creed designed to keep you motivated.


Imagine letting go of self-doubt, taking bold risks, and pursuing innovative strategies that align with your true vision and purpose. This eBook will guide you through unlocking your hidden potential and living the life you truly deserve.​​


Ready to Break Free?

If you struggle with structure and keeping everything in one place, this eBook is perfect for you. It's designed to grow with you, helping us grow together. Download 'Unleashing Your 'F' Factor: A Guide to The 'F' it! Principle and Self-Discovery' now and start your journey to self-empowerment today!


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[Download "The "F" it Principle" E-Book Now]


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