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About Us

Over 50 and Aging Gracefully

The Journey of Healing, Self Care & Community

Hey friend, I get it—being an overworked mom and wife can be an endless grind. I’ve been there, living the relentless daily hustle.


And then came 2020. The pandemic hit hard, but for me, it was the year my world was shattered in the most unimaginable way. I lost my oldest daughter to a drug overdose. It was a heartbreak I couldn't fathom.​


Around the same time, my business had to shut down temporarily, leaving me feeling completely lost. Life was unbearably tough.


But I couldn’t just give up. I had my other daughter, the one you see dancing with me in those TikTok videos (@imsodliteful and @imsodlitefultv). I couldn’t let her down, and I couldn’t let my heavenly daughter down by giving up on life.

​So, in the middle of all the chaos, I found an unexpected refuge: TikTok. Not just TikTok, but TikTok dancing. Yes, you heard that right—dancing and doing skits on TikTok became my escape and solace.

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Now, I’m no professional dancer, although I’d love to be one. But TikTok became my sanctuary, a place where I could forget the pain for a while and connect with others.


I realized early on that finding a healthy way to escape was a form of self-care. Alongside my TikTok adventures, I worked out, received grief therapy, and leaned heavily on prayer.


God’s double blessing shined through, giving me a platform to share my truth and live authentically.


Through this journey, I discovered that I hadn’t been balancing work and life effectively because I hadn’t prioritized self-care and self-love.


This blog is my love project—a space where we can come together as a community to encourage and motivate each other. It’s all about passing the torch to the next generation while nurturing our own happiness through self-care and managing our well-being.


Let's take this journey together, lifting each other up and finding joy in the small moments. We deserve it.


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Facebook 419K-453K
You Tube 180K-230K

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Imsodliteful - Behind it All

It all starts with my daughters—the ones I affectionately called my big baby and lil baby.


They are the most precious gifts from God, guiding and guarding my heart.

Even though my big baby is no longer here on earth, she lives in my heart.


And my lil baby, who is now 22 years old, (23yrs old in July, 2024).  She is the reason I keep going. She is now the age her sister was when she passed away too early. So this year (2024) has been a journey of me amping up my voice in my blog and on my platform.


As July approaches, my youngest will have outlived her sister, bringing a new wave of emotions for both of us. My goal as a mother is to show my daughter the importance of self-care and how to practice it with grace and style.


Thank you, Dear Lord, for allowing me to raise them both. I am grateful for their innocence and purity that touched my soul.


And yes, those teenage years—let’s just say they were an adventure! But no matter what, they’ll always be my babies, forever etched in my heart. I pray that I may continue to touch others, bring joy to their hearts, and provide comfort through my words, thoughts, and deeds.


Mommy loves you!

To My Heavenly Big Baby Isis and My Lil Baby India


Behind it All - A Tribute To My Husband​

My journey would be incomplete without mentioning my husband, KJ (@blackgunsenterprise) who has been there through it all.  Over 17 years together and counting.​


In the midst of our personal and public journey, I can't forget to express my gratitude for the love and support KJ has shown me. He stepped into a role that many would find challenging, and he did it with grace and strength.


Life has been anything but easy, but his presence has made the tough times more bearable and the good times even sweeter.


Thank you, Dear Lord, for allowing me to raise my daughters and for bringing KJ into our lives.


I pray that I may continue to touch others, bring joy to their hearts, and provide comfort through my words, thoughts, and deeds.


KJ, I appreciate and love you, and I love living life with you. Our journey together, filled with love, laughter, and a few tears, has been a wild ride, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Here's to many more years of love, growth, and adventures together.


Love Your Wife 


Despite It All

Despite the trauma attached to grief, I started this blog to have real conversations with real people about real-life situations and everyday living. I'm excited to share my life journey with you, including tips and tricks for self-care, healing, travel, health, fashion, and of course, how to age gracefully. Let’s embark on a path of personal growth together.


If you haven’t purchased my ebook, "The F It Principle," you can download it below. It is full of information to empower you and foster personal development in ways I have never experienced before. This book is dedicated to my daughter and anyone battling mental health challenges. It's all about saying "F it" to fear and finding your "F" factor through being who God created you to be and fulfilling your purpose.


Whether your F factor is fun, fearless, fierce, free, or feisty, I am here for all the growth. Trust me, I am right there with you on this journey called life, which definitely has its moments of "life-ing" (yes, "life-ing" is a real term even if Webster doesn’t identify it!).



Through this blog, I want to create a space where we can encourage each other and share our experiences.


Losing my daughter was the most painful experience I’ve ever had, but it also made me stronger and more determined to live a life full of purpose and joy.


My journey is a testament to the power of faith and resilience.

Self Care Is Not Just A Buzzword

I’ve learned that self-care is not just a buzzword—it’s a necessity. Taking time to care for yourself, whether through a relaxing skincare routine, a peaceful walk in nature, or just a few moments of quiet reflection, is crucial.


And it’s not just about physical health, but mental and emotional well-being too. Grief therapy and prayer have been my anchors, helping me navigate the stormy seas of loss and emerge stronger.


Fashion and travel are also passions of mine. Dressing up and exploring new places bring me joy and remind me of the beauty and adventure that life has to offer. Aging gracefully is about embracing who you are at every stage of life and finding joy in the journey.


Let’s walk this path of personal growth together, supporting and uplifting each other. Remember, you are not alone. We are a community of encouragers and motivators, here to remind you that despite the challenges, you can live a fulfilling and joyful life. So, here’s to being fearless, to finding our F factors, and to living life to the fullest.


Thank you for being here, and I can’t wait to share more with you. Let's keep this conversation going and continue to inspire each other every day.


With love, Katina

Contact Me

I'm thrilled to announce that my journey is just getting started as I dive into the world of influencing more seriously.


You can count on me to keep it real while sharing my tips on aging gracefully through self-care videos on my YouTube channel.


Stay tuned for upcoming podcasts and subscribe to my site for blog updates and newsletters. I’m embracing lifestyle and self-care branding, and I’d love to collaborate with you.


For business inquiries, please contact me at:


If you’d like to send a gift or items,

my PO Box is 44611 Charlotte, NC 28215.


Thank you!



At the age of 48, the pandemic hit me hard. I lost my beloved 22-year-old daughter, Isis, to a Fentanyl overdose, and my business, which I had owned for over 30 years, temporarily shut down. It was a tough time, and depression was evident. However, God still held me up and alllowed me to find solace in an app called TikTok, which helped me cope and survive through it all.  I also started grieving therapy that helped tremendously


At 49, I am known for being confident, grown, and sexy, as reflected in my hashtag #49andfine. With almost 750K followers on Tik Tok, I am discovering new and interesting sides of myself through this online journey. Despite grieving my daughter, I found the confidence to let go and carry her with me on my journey of self-discovery. I also expanded my salon business tenfold after relocating to a larger building and working with a lab on hair.


At the age of 50, I've adopted the slogan #50fine and have become an influencer with over 1 million followers on TikTok. It's been a surreal experience to be recognized on the streets and I've decided to expand my reach by adding Facebook and YouTube to my journey. I've already gained 300K followers on Facebook and 75K on YouTube. It's amazing how much fun it can be to get to know yourself. My daughter, who is no longer with us, has her own hashtag #itiktokforantrell, which has reached 50.4M. My other daughter is also joining me on TikTok and discovering the joys of being an influencer.


Welcome to my blog! As we enter 2023, I'm excited to announce that I'll be starting long-form content on my YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe and check it out! While I still have my salon and hair extensions business, I haven't promoted any products on my social channels. However, that's changing in 2024 with the launch of my styling product line for women and men. I've been focusing on healing and being my authentic self on social media, but it's time to take this job more seriously and create intentional content while having fun. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to quit my day job. Let's see what the future holds!

The Social Media Journey Of Imsodliteful

Just For Fun

I'm A    Cancer and a Homebody


Personality    Quirky, Loyal, Funny


My Guilty Pleasure    I lazy CEO days at home (in bed!)

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Binge Out On My Blog

Its okay if you bing out with me. I can be your guilty pleasure.  Self care is very important and we can do this transformation together.  So go get you a cup a coffee and doughnut and let's catch up!

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